The third episode of the final season of Attack on Titan, titled “The Gate of Hope”, begins with a scene from the past. Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert are children living in the city of Shiganshina, within Wall Maria. One day, titans attack the city and kill Eren’s parents. Eren vows revenge on the titans and joins the Scout Regiment, a group of soldiers dedicated to fighting titans outside of Wall Maria.
In the present, the Scout Regiment is on a mission to find and capture the Colossal Titan, the titan that broke down Wall Maria and allowed the titans to enter Shiganshina. The Scout Regiment is divided into two groups: one that attacks on the ground and one that attacks in the air. The ground group is led by Commander Erwin Smith, while the air group is led by Hange Zoe.
The ground group is attacked by the titans and many members are killed, including Commander Erwin Smith. The air group, led by Hange Zoe, is more successful and manages to reach the house where the Colossal Titan is located. Hange Zoe fights the Colossal Titan, but cannot defeat it. The Colossal Titan transforms into a giant and begins to destroy the city. The Scout Regiment is forced to retreat, but they manage to escape with their lives. The episode ends with the Colossal Titan looking at the burning city of Ragako.
The third episode of the final season of Attack on Titan is one of the most intense episodes of the series. The Scout Regiment faces great adversity, but they still manage to escape with their lives. The Colossal Titan is a formidable threat, and it remains to be seen how the Scout Regiment will be able to defeat it.
The episode also reveals more information about the world of Attack on Titan. It is revealed that the Colossal Titan is an infiltrator from Marley, a country that is at war with Paradis Island, the land where Eren, Mikasa, and Armin live. It is also revealed that the Colossal Titan is responsible for the destruction of Wall Maria, which allowed the titans to enter Shiganshina and kill Eren’s parents.
Interesting facts about this chapter
- The title of the episode, “The Gate of Hope”, refers to the hope that the Scout Regiment will be able to defeat the Colossal Titan and protect Paradis Island.
- The Colossal Titan is one of the most powerful titans known, and it is said to be responsible for the destruction of Wall Maria, which allowed the titans to enter Shiganshina and kill Eren’s parents.
- The ground group of the Scout Regiment is led by Commander Erwin Smith, who is a very popular character among fans. Erwin is a charismatic and determined leader, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Paradis Island.
- The air group of the Scout Regiment is led by Hange Zoe, who is a brilliant and enthusiastic scientist. Hange is obsessed with titans, and she is determined to learn everything she can about them.
- The episode reveals more information about the world of Attack on Titan. It is revealed that the Colossal Titan is an infiltrator from Marley, a country that is at war with Paradis Island. It is also revealed that the Colossal Titan is responsible for the destruction of Wall Maria, which allowed the titans to enter Shiganshina and kill Eren’s parents.
- The third episode of the final season of Attack on Titan is one of the most intense episodes of the series. The Scout Regiment faces great adversity, but they still manage to escape with their lives. The Colossal Titan is a formidable threat, and it remains to be seen how the Scout Regiment will be able to defeat it.
The third episode of the final season of Attack on Titan leaves many questions unanswered. How did the Colossal Titan infiltrate Paradis Island? What is Marley planning? How will the Scout Regiment be able to defeat the Colossal Titan? These questions will have to be answered in the coming episodes.
The Gate of Hope, Colossal Titan, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe, Marley, Paradis Island, history, titans, Scout Regiment, battle, intensity, heroism, tragedy, revelations, mysteries, hope, fear, death, life, love, hate, war, peace, future, past, present, world, humanity, Commander Erwin Smith dies in a heroic act, the Colossal Titan reveals his identity, the Scout Regiment faces the Colossal Titan, Attack on Titan, final season, episode 4.