The episode begins with Maggie and Daryl being welcomed as heroes in Commonwealth.
Maggie is determined to start a new life in Commonwealth, but Daryl is still unsure.
Maggie and Daryl meet with Pamela Milton, the leader of Commonwealth.
Pamela offers Maggie and Daryl leadership positions in Commonwealth, but Maggie declines.
Maggie and Daryl meet with Elijah and his group.
Elijah tells them that Commonwealth is not what it seems, and there is corruption in the government.
Maggie and Daryl begin to investigate the corruption in Commonwealth.

Maggie discovers that Mercer is involved in the corruption, and Daryl discovers that Pamela Milton is involved in the corruption.
Maggie and Daryl confront Pamela Milton about the corruption.
Pamela Milton denies the accusations, but Maggie and Daryl are convinced she is lying.
Maggie and Daryl decide to leave Commonwealth.
Maggie is determined to find a new community for her people, one that is not corrupt.
The episode ends with Maggie and Daryl leaving Commonwealth.

Chapter 6 of Season 11 of The Walking Dead is an important episode that explores the complexities of the Commonwealth. The episode shows that the Commonwealth is a prosperous and safe place, but it also has its own issues.
The episode also delves into the relationship between Maggie and Daryl. Both feel uneasy in the Commonwealth but realize they need to work together to protect Alexandria.
The secondary plot of the episode is significant as well. It demonstrates that the Commonwealth is willing to aid survivors, even those who are not citizens.
Overall, Chapter 6 of Season 11 of The Walking Dead is a solid episode that sets the stage for an epic season finale.

Additional Details:
- The episode reveals that the Commonwealth has a very strict social class system.
- The episode shows that the Commonwealth has a well-trained army willing to protect the community.
- The episode ends with Maggie and Daryl discovering that the Reapers are in the Commonwealth, suggesting that the two characters will have to confront their enemies once again.
Walking Dead Episode 6, Commonwealth Exploration, Pamela Milton, Survivors in a New Community, Life in the Commonwealth, Government Control, Social Class System, Reapers’ Return, Daryl and Maggie’s Challenges, Transitioning to a Safe Haven, Survivors’ Struggles, Alexandria’s Exodus, Community Dynamics, Post-Apocalyptic Society, AMC Drama, Unexpected Alliances, Leadership Dilemmas, Trust Issues, Complex Relationships, Survival in the Commonwealth, Alexandria’s Concerns, Alexandria’s Future, The Reapers’ Threat, Intriguing Plot Developments, New Home, Evolving Characters, Commonwealth Society, New World Order, Tension and Suspense, Challenging Choices, Building Trust, Psychological Drama, Community Politics, Enigmatic Stephanie, The Commonwealth’s Power, Season Progression, Dystopian World, Battle for Freedom, Allies and Adversaries, Season 11 Insights.