Secret Invasion is an upcoming American television miniseries created by Kyle Bradstreet for the streaming service Disney+. The show is based on the Marvel Comics storyline of the same name and is intended to be the ninth television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) produced by Marvel Studios. This means that the series will share continuity with the films of the franchise, making it an important addition to the MCU. Bradstreet serves as the head writer of the series.
One of the most exciting aspects of the series is the return of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury from the film series, along with Ben Mendelsohn as Talos. The series also features an impressive cast that includes Cobie Smulders, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Colman, Martin Freeman, and Don Cheadle. This diverse and talented cast is sure to bring the characters to life in an exciting and compelling way.
Development of the series began in September 2020, with Bradstreet and Jackson already attached to the project. The title and premise of the series, along with Mendelsohn’s casting, were revealed in December of the same year. From March to April of 2021, additional castings were announced, followed by the hiring of Thomas Bezucha and Ali Selim to direct the series that May. Filming began in London in September 2021 and concluded in late April 2022. Additional filming also took place in West Yorkshire and Liverpool, England.
Secret Invasion is scheduled to premiere in early 2023 and will consist of six episodes. The series will be part of Phase Five of the MCU, making it an important event in the franchise. The series centers around Nick Fury and Talos’s attempts to stop the Skrulls, who have infiltrated the highest spheres of the Marvel Universe. This storyline is sure to be thrilling and exciting, as we see Fury and Talos trying to stop the Skrulls from taking over the Marvel Universe. Overall, Secret Invasion is a highly anticipated series that is sure to be a hit with both Marvel fans and audiences in general.
Samuel L. Jackson Returns as Nick Fury in Secret Invasion
Release Date: Spring 2023
Official Trailer:
Marvel’s Secret Invasion: An Action-Packed Miniseries Event
Secret Invasion Trailer Deconstructed: Skrull Theories and Easter Eggs Exposed
The Skrulls Infiltrate the Marvel Universe in Secret Invasion
Ranking the Best Nick Fury Moments in Marvel Cinematic Universe
Secret Invasion: Star-Studded Cast Joins the MCU in 2023
Nick Fury’s Evolution in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: A Compilation of Appearances (2008-2019)
The History of Nick Fury: From Comics to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Secret Invasion: Uncovering What the Skrulls Are Searching For
The Marvel Cinematic Universe After Secret Invasion: How It Will Be Different