Succession is a thought-provoking and satirical drama series that has gained critical acclaim for its acting, writing, and production values. Created by Jesse Armstrong, the show premiered on HBO in 2018 and follows the lives of the wealthy and powerful Roy family, the owners of global media and entertainment conglomerate Waystar RoyCo. As the family’s patriarch, Logan Roy (played by Brian Cox), begins to decline in health, his children – Connor, Kendall, Roman, and Shiv – begin to fight for control of the company and position themselves as the heirs to their father’s empire.
The series has a talented cast, including Jeremy Strong as Kendall, Kieran Culkin as Roman, and Sarah Snook as Shiv. Matthew Macfadyen stars as Tom Wambsgans, Shiv’s husband and a Waystar executive, while Nicholas Braun plays Greg Hirsch, Logan’s grandnephew also employed by the company. Alan Ruck portrays Connor, Logan’s oldest son, and Hiam Abbass plays Marcia Roy, Logan’s third wife. In addition to the main cast, the show features a number of recurring actors, including Dagmara Domińczyk, Arian Moayed, J. Smith-Cameron, Justine Lupe, David Rasche, and Fisher Stevens.
One of the standout aspects of Succession is its examination of the cutthroat world of media and entertainment, and the often-toxic dynamics within a family business. The show delves into themes of power, greed, and the corrupting influence of wealth, all while maintaining a darkly comedic tone. It has received numerous awards and nominations, including two wins for the Golden Globe for Best Television Series – Drama and the Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series in 2020 and 2022. Both Cox and Strong have won Golden Globes for their performances as Logan and Kendall, and Snook received a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. Armstrong has also won three Primetime Emmys for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series.
Succession has been renewed for a fourth season, set to premiere in spring 2023. It continues to be a must-watch for fans of complex and nuanced storytelling, with a stellar cast and a biting commentary on the corrupting influence of power and wealth.
Release Date Season 4: Spring 2023
Power Struggles and Family Dynamics in HBO’s Succession
Official teaser:
From Logan Roy to Shiv: The Talented Cast of HBO’s Succession
The Hilarious and Heartbreaking Storylines of Succession Season 3
Unravelling the Intrigue of Succession Season 2: A Recap and Breakdown
Succession Season 1: Uncovering the Roy Family Secrets – A Recap and Breakdown
The Roy Family Saga: A Critically Acclaimed Look at Wealth and Power in Succession
Rewatching Succession: 25 Things You Didn’t Notice the First Time
Succession: A Satirical Look at the Cutthroat World of Media and Entertainment
Why Succession Is the Most Addictive Show on Television: Top 10 Reasons
Succession and the Question of Whether Money Can Buy Happiness