Inside is a psychological horror film that follows the story of Nemo, a skilled art thief who finds himself in a dire situation. After his heist goes wrong, Nemo finds himself trapped inside a luxurious New York penthouse, surrounded by priceless works of art. With no way out and nothing but his own cunning and resourcefulness to rely on, Nemo must find a way to survive.
The film is directed by Vasilis Katsoupis, who is making his feature directorial debut with this project. Katsoupis is known for his unique and atmospheric style, and fans of psychological horror can expect to be thoroughly immersed in the tense and claustrophobic world of Inside.
Willem Dafoe, a seasoned actor with a long and varied career, stars as Nemo. Dafoe has a reputation for taking on challenging and diverse roles, and his portrayal of the desperate and resourceful art thief is sure to be memorable.
As Nemo struggles to find a way out of his predicament, he must confront his own fears and demons, as well as the mysterious and potentially deadly forces that seem to be working against him. With a high stakes premise and a talented cast and crew, Inside is shaping up to be a must-see film for fans of psychological horror.
Trapped: The Psychological Horror of Inside
Release date: 10 March 2023
The Art Thief’s Nightmare: Inside
Official Trailer:
Vasilis Katsoupis’s Feature Debut: Inside
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INSIDE Trailer: Willem Dafoe’s Intense Performance
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