65 is an American science fiction thriller that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, this film stars Adam Driver, Ariana Greenblatt, Chloe Coleman, and Nika King. Produced by Columbia Pictures, Bron Creative, Raimi Productions, and Beck/Woods, 65 is a highly anticipated film that is sure to be a hit with audiences.
In the film, a catastrophic crash on an unknown planet leaves pilot Mills stranded on Earth 65 million years in the past. With only one chance at rescue, Mills and the other survivor, Koa, must navigate a dangerous terrain filled with prehistoric creatures, including dinosaurs, in order to survive.
This film is sure to be action-packed, with exciting special effects and a compelling storyline. The talented cast, led by Adam Driver, is sure to deliver top-notch performances, making 65 a must-see for fans of science fiction and thrillers.
Overall, 65 is an exciting and suspenseful film that is sure to captivate audiences with its thrilling storyline and incredible special effects. With a talented cast and top-notch production value, this film is not to be missed.
The Dinosaur Survival Guide: 65
Official Trailer:
65: A Race Against the Clock
Release date: March 17, 2023
65: One Chance at Rescue
65: A Terrifying Look at Adam Driver’s Upcoming Dinosaur Horror Film
Surviving Prehistoric Earth: The 65 Story
65 Movie Trailer Breakdown: 3 Dinosaur Species Unveiled
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