Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is an upcoming American science fiction action film based on Hasbro’s Transformers toy line and primarily influenced by the Beast Wars storyline. The film is the seventh installment in the Transformers film series and a stand-alone sequel to Bumblebee (2018). The film is directed by Steven Caple Jr. from a screenplay by Joby Harold, Darnell Metayer, Josh Peters, Erich Hoeber, and Jon Hoeber. It will star Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback as well the voice talents of Peter Cullen, Ron Perlman, and Peter Dinklage. The film will center around three factions of Transformers tied to Earth’s past, with the setting being in 1994 Brooklyn, New York City, and in parts of Peru such as Machu Picchu, Cusco, and Tarapoto, San Martín.
Premise: In the year 1994, a pair of human archaeologists from Brooklyn come into an ancient conflict through a globe-trotting adventure with the Autobots that ties in with three factions of the Transformers race: the Maximals, the Predacons and the Terrorcons.